Monday, May 13, 2013

Nullify UN Agenda 21

Agenda 21 is a Trojan horse disguised a altruistic plan to save the environment and the economy but with the price tag of complete global governance and authoritarian control. To save the environment, we need to stop subsidizing dirty energy and instead to implement the various "Free Energy" technologies that exist along with growing industrial Hemp and banning poisonous products and then allow the free market for companies to create clean environmentally friendly alternatives such as the case with cleaning products. We should have a free market, but not one that allows companies to sell poison, as there is nothing free about being poisoned and destroying our health. To save the Economy, we need to end Debt Based monetary policy and we can start with non-profit state banks as described in my other blog on Nullifying the Federal Reserve.

Agenda 21 is a false promise that creates dictatorship controls over all aspects of civilization, rather than allowing the natural solutions that are currently available to flourish simply by stopping the corporate bailouts of polluting industry and prohibiting the sale of products that cause short and long term health consequences. Agenda 21 ends sovereignty and declares the UN has top down authority over our rights. This is in direct contradiction to our Constitution and states rights. The Agenda 21 is the plan for a 4th Reich, total control of the world in the 21st century by a Global Government, the same people seeking to implement world taxes on Carbon. Along with "environmental" threats of Geo-Engineering, GMO foods and Codex Alimentarius food control, Agenda 21 is a fraud. The global government want's you to be dependent. ALL Co2 could be offset by using hemp, organic foods could be planted and pesticides can be banned to ensure health and abundance. As long as private wealth is used to consolidate power into the hands of government and corporations, and not to help the people of the planet directly on our local levels, fascist elites will seek to trick the population into bondage and a new age slavery using money to give people the illusion of choice.

Please join the network of activist minded people who agree to either sign petitions or circulate them so that we can reach a critical mass of voters that can achieve ballot access, allowing citizens to vote on the issue at the ballot directly. Join at by linking up with any or all of our contact methods including Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, our Thrive forum and direct Email. Please subscribe to this blog or any other social media tools we utilize to distribute information about the "Activism Truth" movement. Thank you for reading. This information can help save the world. If you don't understand how important this is, please investigate more or contact us directly with any questions you have. It's most crucial you realize what the concept of "permanent ballot access" entails, and how your participation of being aware of the solutions and making a pledge to get involved is the only way the citizens of the United States of America or any other nation in the world can achieve true checks and balances on corruption in government. Either the government is self regulating, and we have all seen how that has turned out for us, or "we the people" create a strong enough "citizenry" with solidarity for transpartisan reform to improve our government institutions, and we participate in creating the government with the best direct methods possible with the ballot access process.

Please contact us if you have interest in being a sponsor of our organization to start a chapter in your city and state. See what a progressive and libertarian minded California ballot access network organization is doing in California HERE. We are looking for more people to create groups similar to "Occupy the Elections" in other cities and states to grow awareness of the real solutions available to us and build towards our ballot access critical mass. Remember, you don't have to agree with EVERY initiative. The long term plan is to create a Quorum of experts and public debate to bring ideas forward to find ways to improve the bill for the desired results that the bills are designed to create. This way, people can benefit from the concepts of the bill, without having a weak bill that would have unintended consequences. Here are the bills for Nullifying Agenda 21, these are legislative bills but can be altered and amended to be put on the ballot initiative in any city, county or state with ballot initiative rights.
Here is a video on the subject.

SB 1507 prohibits the state and its political subdivisions from adopting or implementing the United Nations Rio Declaration on Environment and Development (Declaration).
The Declaration was adopted at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNED) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in June 1992. 172 governments, including the United States, participated in UNCED. The goal of UNED was to establish a new and equitable global partnership toward international agreement to protect the integrity of the global environmental and developmental system. The International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) is an association with the mission “to build and server a worldwide movement of local governments to achieve tangible
improvements in global sustainability with special focus on environmental conditions through cumulative local actions” ( Countdown 2010 was a network of active partners who worked together towards the 2010 Biodiversity Target to tackle the causes of biodiversity loss ( Local Action for Biodiversity is a global urban biodiversity program coordinated by ICLEI that is focused on developing a local government network for biodiversity action to promote a better understanding of local government biodiversity issues, leading to the implementation of appropriate measures within the participating local governments( European Center for Nature Conservation is an independent organization working for the conservation and sustainable use of Europe’s nature, biodiversity
and landscape ( The International Union for Conservation of Nature is a result based, demand-driven plan of action that addresses global issues and incorporates national level priorities by recognizing the continuing need to support biodiversity conservation at all levels, with governments, civil society and the private sector ( The President’s Council
on Sustainable Development was established by President Clinton in June 1993 to advise him on sustainable development and develop “bold, new approaches to achieve our economic, environmental, and equity goals (

• Prohibits the state and all of its political subdivisions from adopting or implementing the creed, doctrine, principles or any tenet of the Declaration and the Statement of Principles for Sustainable Development adopted at the UNED or any other international law that contravenes the Untied States Constitution or the Constitution of Arizona.
• Prohibits the state and all of its political subdivisions from implementing programs of, expending any sum of money for, being a member of, receiving funding from, contracting SB 1507 Fiftieth Legislature Second Regular Session 2 March 12, 2012 services from or giving financial or other forms of aid to the ICLEI or any of its related organizations which include:
- Countdown 2010;
- Local Action for Biodiversity;
- European Center for Nature Conservation;
- The International Union for Conservation of Nature; and
-The President’s Council on Sustainable Development.
• Defines political subdivision as this state, or a county, city or town in this state, or a public partnership or any other public entity in this state.

Here is a second Act that was drafted SB 1403


Prohibiting the state and its political subdivisions from recognizing the United Nations or any of its declarations as legal authority in this state.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:
Section 1.  Rio declaration on environment and development; 
prohibition; definition
A.  Notwithstanding any other law, the state of Arizona and all political subdivisions of this state consistent with section 38-231, Arizona Revised Statutes, requiring officers and employees to support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution and laws of this state shall not recognize the United Nations or any of its declarations as legal authority in this state, including the United Nations Rio Declaration on Environment and Development and the Statement of Principles for Sustainable Development adopted at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in June, 1992.
B.  Since the United Nations has enlisted the support of numerous independent, non-governmental organizations to implement its agenda around the world, the state of Arizona and all its political subdivisions are prohibited from directly and knowingly, for the express purpose of adopting or implementing the United Nations Rio Declaration on Environment and Development and the Statement of Principles for Sustainable Development, expending any sum of money for, being a member of, receiving funding from, contracting services from, or giving financial or other forms of aid to any group that espouses the usurping or overthrow of the Constitution of the United States.
C.  For the purposes of this section, "political subdivision" includes this state, or a county, city or town in this state including any special districts authorized by a county, city or town.

Here is a 3rd that was implemented  in Missouri, PROVING this legislation does work and is important.

[P E R F E C T E D]
Read 1st time February 6, 2013, and ordered printed.
Read 2nd time February 20, 2013, and referred to the Committee on General Laws.
Reported from the Committee March 14, 2013, with recommendation that the bill do pass.
Taken up for Perfection April 3, 2013. Bill declared Perfected and Ordered Printed.
TERRY L. SPIELER, Secretary.
To amend chapter 1, RSMo, by adding thereto one new section relating to prohibition
on certain policies that infringe on private property rights.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Missouri, as follows:
Section A. Chapter 1, RSMo, is amended by adding thereto one new
2 section, to be known as section 1.370, to read as follows:
1.370. 1. As used in this section, "political subdivision" means any
2 state, county, incorporated city, unincorporated city, public local
3 entity, public-private partnership, and any other public entity of the
4 state, a county, or city.
5 2. Neither the state of Missouri nor any political subdivision
6 shall adopt or implement policy recommendations that deliberately or
7 inadvertently infringe or restrict private property rights without due
8 process, as may be required by policy recommendations originating in,
9 or traceable to Agenda 21, adopted by the United Nations in 1992 at its
10 Conference on Environment and Development or any other
11 international law or ancillary plan of action that contravenes the
12 Constitution of the United States or the Missouri Constitution.
13 3. Since the United Nations has accredited and enlisted
14 numerous nongovernmental and intergovernmental organizations to
15 assist in the implementation of its policies relative to Agenda 21 around
16 the world, the state of Missouri and all political subdivisions are
17 prohibited from entering into any agreement with, expending any sum
SB 265 2
18 of money for, receiving funds from, contracting services from, or giving
19 financial aid to those nongovernmental and intergovernmental
20 organizations as defined in Agenda 21.

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